Wednesday 30 September 2009

Marc Johns

Im obsessed with people and artists who manage to draw humor while commenting on the social trends and everyday events that we all happen to witness. Marc Johns tickles exactly the right spots for me.
Hannah Montana t-shirt by Marc Johns.

rugs for sale by Marc Johns.
He is also obsessed with facial hair by the looks of things which I don't think there's a single thing wrong with, these illustrations are beautiful.
Beard Bird by Marc Johns.
mustaches on strings are the finest of things by Marc Johns.
the moustaches chased him zealously by Marc Johns.
this moustache is dangerous by Marc Johns.

Unknown Artist

Im not sure who made these I located via ffffffound. i think the idea of illustrating on objects is brilliant and when applied in the correct way are really clever.

Peter Ibruegger

Peter Ibruegger has created these mugs that help those who cant grow there own, effortlessly masquerading behind a character moustache while drinking tea or coffee. Every mug has a different design on each side to explore your favourite masculine expression! you can choose between feisty Fu-Magnum, ambigues Mustafa-Chaplin and cheeky Maurice-Poirot!

My Favorite being the Maurice-Poirot I love how easy you can slip in and out of character with each slurp of tea.


The Yorkshire Miners in Camera...

I picked up "The Yorkshire Miners in Camera" from vernon street campus

Tuesday 29 September 2009


TIMBER! is a artist & t-shirt company based on a story about lumberjacks, their bosses (the top hat guys with an excessive hair curse.) and a bigfoot stuck between both their worlds.
The pictures Chad Eaton creates illustrates the story in a way that only you can imagine.

Monday 28 September 2009



The aim of this Module is to further focus your individual practice and its professional presentation. The brief invites you to respond creatively to a broad theme established by the GIDE project, in line with assessment requirements. The module enables you to develop research and practice, upon which you can base a final major project. Research will include analysis of how art & design practitioners respond to professional constraints such as competitions, briefs or commissions.

A cross-year programme of events, exhibitions and online work (Design-art: Cities and Social Practices. 2nd – 9th December) will provide opportunities to showcase your projects, both within and outside the college and online. All 3rd year work for this module is eligible for the 2009 GIDE international prize.

Brief: Innovative Communities

You are asked to explore, question and respond to the GIDE theme, through a process of research, development, production & presentation.

Research: Use any appropriate format to record your research. (e.g blog, sketchbook, etc). Your file should include production / development diaries (document any model making or other experiments). Your research file at Level 3 should evidence both depth and reflection as standard. You are also expected to demonstrate first-hand research into the work of other artists, designers, organizations or other bodies relevant to your particular response to the brief.

Body of work: The body of work developed in response to your research, the ways in which you develop your ideas should reflect your aspirations and chosen direction within interdisciplinary art & design. Your portfolio should include resolved/final products/works as well as early editions/prototypes, drawings etc. Development of your portfolio will involve negotiating with workshop drop in.

Presentation (in two stages):
, a verbal/visual presentation of your project in progress on Mon 19th or Tues 20th October to a panel: 5 min presentation time in total (either 5 mins spoken presentation with images OR if, for example, showing a time-based piece, this and spoken presentation together to last 5 mins) This should be accompanied by a written statement giving the context for your project (500 wds).

Second, either a 5 min presentation on CD/DVD/Internet, or a multipage .Pdf (5 pages A4 or A3): This second presentation is intended to be given/sent to a client, gallery… (to be looked at without yourself present) It should be realized to a professional standard in a format appropriate to your chosen direction within interdisciplinary art & design. It should introduce your methodology and practice area generally and this project in particular. Hand this in with the rest of your work on Mon 30th Nov, 9.30am

Preparation/Research Suggestions To be developed on an individual basis

Briefing Date


Interim Crit(s)


Final Crit



9.30am 30/11/09